New Jersey's response to COVID-19 and further actions our state is taking to keep our communities safe. This includes links to resources and legislative action the state has taken so far.
Governor Phil Murphy announced the launch of the New Jersey COVID-19 Information Hub, a new, visitor-friendly website.
The New Jersey COVID-19 Information Hub provides New Jersey with the most up-to-date information about COVID-19 and the State's response.
The New Jersey COVID-19 Information Hub includes a Symptom Checker, information about testing, and increases the State’s ability to analyze the spread of COVID-19.
The state of New Jersey has been extremely proactive to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and has established an extensive list of resources for New Jersey residents.
The state of New Jersey has established a lot of new resources quickly to deal with COVID-19. Here is a list of links to these resources.
All New Jersey Motor Vehicle agencies are closed. Driver licenses, non-driver IDs, vehicle registrations, and inspection stickers expiring before May 31 have been extended two months. Most renewals, replacements, changes of address, and other transactions can be processed online. If your REAL ID Appointment was cancelled due to Agency closure from March 16, 2020 through March 29, 2020, keep your cancellation email. When MVC re-opens, you can bring the email to your appointment agency within 30 days and get a REAL ID without an appointment.
Due to high claim volume, new steps are being taken to protect the stability of the online application.
Please claim your weekly benefit according to the chart.
Please access the application during the allotted time based on the last four numbers of you Social Security Number.
0000 and 2500: 8am - 10am
2501 and 5000: 10am - 12pm
5001 and 7500: 12pm - 2pm
7501 and 9999: 2pm - 4pm
Regardless of the time you claim your benefit, your payment will be processed overnight.
If you miss your designated window, you may certify from 4pm - 7pm.
Governor Murphy signed an executive order implementing a "stay at home" order throughout New Jersey. Under this order, all residents are to stay at home or at their place of residence unless they are leaving for the following reasons:
Obtaining goods or services from essential retail businesses;
Obtaining takeout or food beverages from restaurants;
Seeking medical attention, essential social services, or assistance from law enforcement;
Visiting family or close friends, caretakers, or romantic partners;
Reporting to or performing their job;
Walking, running, or engaging in outdoor activities with immediate family, caretakers, household members, or romantic partners;
Leaving for an educational, religious, or political reason;
Leaving because of a reasonable fear for health or safety; or
Leaving at the direction of law enforcement or other government agency.
Governor Murphy’s executive order further directs the closure of all non-essential retail businesses to the public, with the exceptions of:
Grocery stores, farmer's markets and farms that sell directly to customers, and other food stores, including retailers that offer a varied assortment of foods comparable to what exists at a grocery store;
Pharmacies and medical marijuana dispensaries;
Medical supply stores;
Gas stations;
Convenience stores;
Ancillary stores within healthcare facilities;
Hardware and home improvement stores;
Banks and other financial institutions;
Laundromats and dry-cleaning services;
Stores that principally sell supplies for children under five years;
Pet stores;
Liquor stores;
Car dealerships, but only for auto maintenance and repair, and auto mechanics;
Printing and office supply shops;
Mail and delivery stores.
If you discover a business remaining open or violating another of Governor Murphy’s executive orders, you can call 1-800-222-1222 or call 2-1-1 or text “NJ COVID” to 898211.

The American Red Cross have had to cancel blood drives. Disruptions to blood donations lead to shortages and cause delays in essential medical care.
If you know of a site where the Red Cross can host a blood drive, please contact 646-784-4824. Those who are healthy, feeling well and eligible to give blood or platelets, are urged to make an appointment to donate as soon as possible by using the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting RedCrossBlood.org or calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).
The following bills from the Legislature addressing the COVID-19 pandemic were signed into law:
A-3095/S-1982 – Provides county clerks with additional week to mail ballots for 2020 primary election; requires ballot position draw to occur one day early if statutory date falls on holiday
A-3840/S-2281 – Requires school districts to provide school meals or meal vouchers to students eligible for free and reduced price school meals during school closures due to COVID-19 epidemic
A-3843/S-2283 – Requires health insurance and Medicaid coverage for testing of coronavirus disease 2019 and for telemedicine and telehealth during coronavirus disease 2019 state of emergency
A-3849/S-2302 – Modifies deadline by which public agency is required to respond to request for government record during period of emergency
A-3850/S-2294 – Allows public bodies to conduct meetings, and provide notice, by electronic means during periods of emergency
A-3851/S-2295 – Permits extension of deadlines for adoption of county and municipal budgets under certain circumstances
A-3854/S-2286 – Authorizes all licensed health care facilities and laboratories to collect specimens to test for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19); allows waiver of staffing ratio requirements
A-3855/S-2287 – Requires food access information be displayed on websites of 2-1-1 system and executive branch departments during public health emergencies to the extent practicable
A-3861/S-2290 – Permits corporations to hold shareholders’ meetings in part or solely by means of remote communication during state of emergency
A-3865/S-2291 – Limits return of items purchased from retail food stores under certain circumstances
AJR-158/SJR-77 – Urges FCC to take temporary measures to secure broadband access for those affected by COVID-19