Eddie Bonner
Democratic Assembly LD1
Democratic Assembly candidate Eddie L. Bonner Sr. has a wealth of law enforcement experience and a deep knowledge of issues facing our district which spans Cape May, and Cumberland counties and a sliver of Atlantic County. Born in Bridgeton, Bonner attended local schools, and Lincoln Technical Institute, where he earned a degree in architectural and mechanical drafting, and computer-aided drafting. In 1986, he decided to be a police officer, serving in his hometown department. He retired after 15 years and now he serves as District Manager for KD National Force Security managing security for Cumberland Regional High School, Hopewell Crest School, in Hopewell, and Cumberland Christian School, in Vineland. He has been a diamond courier, tractor-trailer driver, and charter bus driver. Bonner also is a longtime Mason, father of four children, has six siblings, and a host of nieces and nephews.
His broad experience has given him insights into our most pressing social issues including education, drug addiction, and homelessness.